
This is the first Web3 game in our blockchain, although an independent game in itself, its 'constructs' can be used to develop your own game in our blockchain. Check out how you can use instances of the assets for your own game.

Season 0: 

'Durg' is the sanskrit word for castle or fort, and that is the final objective of the game: to build a castle. 

The game has 5 phases, going through 5 different assets, starting from Kutch (marshland), levelling up into Khet (farmland), Griha (house), Udyog (industry), Aapanam (marketplace), and finally the race to build the Durg (castle).

In addition, there is an utility asset: Ravi (solar cell), which generates urja (energy) to help levelling up the other assets. 

Each phase will have a winner, who unlocks the next asset first. The next phases will introduce clans, where players can make groups and pool resources together. The first player/clan to build a castle will be the final winner for the season and will get a DURG asset, which will be 101% of the value of all the assets to build it (a 1% gain). 99% of the assets of all other players/clans will be carried forward to the next round.

A total of 15000 kutch assets will be released in this phase, further Kutch assets will be released in next phases. 

Leaderboard Rewards:

16 January 2024

Hamandcheese won 0.83 WAX

The game is designed to start small and build big overtime. Players can play solo, but progress will be faster with a clan.

The game will become progressively tougher, early entries will have benefit of crafting assets with lower amount of resources. 


Power up your land with Solar power

Genarates 100 urja per day

(7 assets minted)



This is the initial asset that can be bought and upgraded into higher level assets.

(55 assets minted)



Needs 10 Kutch assets + 1000 urja



Needs 10 Khet assets + 1000 urja



Needs 10 Griha assets + 1000 urja



Need 10 Udyog assets + 10000 urja



The final objective of the game

Need 10 Aapanam assets + 10000 urja

Durg community pool

5900 RLM + 1.3 Swarn + 48 RDR + 200 K Starbits

15,000 - 56 kutch units available

Phase 1

Phase 1 is initiated with the minting of first khet#1 asset. 1 Khet asset generates 22 Urja per day and 11 leaderboard points per day and hence generates 1% higher value as compared to 10 Kutch assets.  

The kutch assets still produce 2 urja per day

The highest points on the leaderboard wins 5.3 RDR (=0.9 Wax) per day.

Sale of khet assets will be player to player only. Sale from Rudra chain to WAX chain will be through 'rdrmuklive11' account. 

A total of 15000 kutch assets are available in this phase, further Kutch assets will be released in next phases. 

Form your clan

Form your clan to get 1.5X active points.

Join our discord server : https://discord.gg/Pq5YkU3t

and type !createclan <your kutch asset number> to create a clan

Active points for the day (19 Dec)



Gaurav Khandelwal

(24 December-7 Jan 2023)

154 Urja

Chain: Rudra

On sale: 1000 RDR tokens/198 Wax


Available for 100 RDR tokens 

or 1800 RLM tokens (rdrmuklive11)


Akshay Aliyana

88 Urja

(15-26 December 2023)

Chain: Rudra


Gaurav Khandelwal

123 Urja

(24-26 December 2023)

Chain: Rudra



18 Urja 

(17-26 December 2023)

Chain: Wax#1


xldqw.wam  (Walk-the-grid)

16 Urja 

(18-26 December 2023)

Chain: Wax#2

Digital Assets (DA) usable in Durg

Method of selecting winner: 

Consecutive mint numbers of DA will have higher benefits in the game.

This is the first DA in the RUDRA blockchain. It is the only way of generating RDR tokens which can be used in various upcoming projects in the blockchain.  RDR can also be sold for WAXP, RLM or EOS tokens. 

This DA is the entrypoint for the DURG game.

'DURG' is the sanskrit word for castle. The objective of the game is to build the castle.

1 RDR = 1 INR (stable) = 0.18 WAXP

Durg Points Table

How to get digital assets and RDR for free ?

Participate in our active points contests and get points for leaderboard. Top of the leaderboard gets 5.2 RDR / 0.83 Wax. Additonally, there are a couple of cool web3 games, where you can earn crypto and NFTs. Depending on the value, these assets can be exchanged with RDR tokens and can then be used to buy DA in this game. 


Season 0: Introduction of 5 infrastructure and 1 utility asset. Development of the currency and integrations with various blockchains

Season 1: Focus of each infrastructure assets and development of various utility assets around them. Introduction of the first hybrid asset, with physical ownership in addition to digital ownership.

Season 2: Development of the game creation modules, where various game designers can utilize constructs in the chain to develop games. Integration of Durg game with each of the games alongwith addition of various other modalities. 

Season 3: Development of the first real-time interactive game and its integration with existing constructs on the chain. 



Realm Team

(15-22 December 2023)

Chain: Wax

Hive Community

Phase 0 completed: 24 December 2023

In this phase, Kutch digital assets are available. 10 Kutch assets + 1000 urja can be used to build a Khet digital asset. 

Each kutch produces 2 urja per day

Also, each Kutch DA produces 2 points, the highest points on the leaderboard wins 5 RDR (=0.81 Wax) per day.

A total of 15000 kutch assets are available in this phase, further Kutch assets will be released in next phases.